Core Sound offers audio testing services to support new product development, equipment evaluation, maintenance and calibration.
Are you designing a new analog, digital or mixed analog/digital audio device?
Do you need to test it but don't have the resources?
Are you modifying or upgrading your studio and want to quantify the improvement?
Do you need to match two or more pieces of audio equipment?
Does your soundfield sps200 a-format microphone need calibrating?

Available Test Equipment
Audio Precision System Two Cascade, Dual Domain (SYS-2522)
Bruel & Kjaer 4145 1-inch precision condensor measurement microphones, matched pair (plus others)
Bruel & Kjaer 2639 microphone pre-amps
Bruel & Kjaer 2804 200 Volt dual power supply
Bruel & Kjaer 4230 microphone calibrator
DPA 4003 16mm omni microphones, matched pair
Linear X LT360 turntable
Linear X LMS computer audio test system
Software pseudo-anechoic testing
Digital Audio Measurements
Sample rates 28.8 to 200 KHz. Word widths from 8 to 24 bits.
DSP analysis including spectrum analysis, harmonic distortion (THD + Noise), FFT, AES/EBU and S/PDIF data format and electrical specifications, jitter to 1.6 ns, rise/fall time, level (wide and narrow band amplitude), frequency response, multitone, MLS, phase (and much more)
Computer sound card measurements and characterization per Microsoft's WHQL standards
Analog Audio Measurements
Frequency to 500 KHz, amplitude to 0.003 dB, crosstalk to -140 dB, THD+N to -108 dB, (and much more), phase
Analog and digital generators
Frequency to 200 KHz, flatness to 0.003 dB, harmonics at -130 dB, low noise (-118 dBu, 22 - 22 KHz)
Low distortion sine wave, sine burst, square wave, noise, SMPTE/DIN test signals, CCIF/DFD test signals, DIM test signals, arbitrary waveform, MLS
Consider using Core Sound to do your audio testing.
We have (and maintain) some of the finest audio test equipment made in the world. And we have the expertise to apply them to your needs.